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  • 多處理器編程的藝術(英文版·原書*2版)
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    CHAPTER 1 Introduction  1 

    1.1 Sharedobjectsandsynchronization .. 3 

    1.2 Afable .. 6 

    1.2.1 Propertiesofamutualexclusionprotocol . 8 

    1.2.2 Themoral . 9 

    1.3 Theproducer–consumerproblem. 9 

    1.4 Thereaders–writersproblem . 11 

    1.5 Theharshrealitiesofparallelization.. 12 

    1.6 Parallelprogramming  14 

    1.7 Chapternotes. 15 

    1.8 Exercises. 15 

    PART 1 Principles 

    CHAPTER2 Mutual exclusion . 21 

    2.1 Timeandevents.. 21 

    2.2 Criticalsections.. 22 

    2.3 Two-threadsolutions . 25 

    2.3.1 TheLockOne class . 25 

    2.3.2 TheLockTwo class . 26 

    2.3.3 ThePetersonlock . 27 

    2.4 Notesondeadlock  29 

    2.5 Thefilterlock  30 

    2.6 Fairness.. 33 

    2.7 Lamport’sBakeryalgorithm . 34 

    2.8 Boundedtimestamps . 35 

    2.9 Lowerboundsonthenumberoflocations  39 

    2.10Chapternotes. 41 

    2.11 Exercises. 42 

    CHAPTER 3 Concurrent objects .. 49 

    3.1 Concurrencyandcorrectness . 49 

    3.2 Sequentialobjects  52 

    3.3 Sequentialconsistency 53 

    3.3.1 Sequentialconsistencyversusreal-timeorder . 55 

    3.3.2 Sequentialconsistencyisnonblocking. 56 

    3.3.3 Compositionality.. 57 

    3.4 Linearizability  58 

    3.4.1 Linearizationpoints .. 58 

    3.4.2 Linearizabilityversussequentialconsistency .. 59 

    3.5 Quiescentconsistency  59 

    3.5.1 Propertiesofquiescentconsistency  60 

    3.6 Formaldefinitions  60 

    3.6.1 Histories .. 60 

    3.6.2 Linearizability. 61 

    3.6.3 Linearizabilityiscompositional 63 

    3.6.4 Linearizabilityisnonblocking . 63 

    3.7 Memoryconsistencymodels . 64 

    3.8 Progressconditions .. 64 

    3.8.1 Wait-freedom . 65 

    3.8.2 Lock-freedom . 65 

    3.8.3 Obstruction-freedom .. 66 

    3.8.4 Blockingprogressconditions . 67 

    3.8.5 Characterizingprogressconditions  67 

    3.9 Remarks . 68 

    3.10 Chapternotes. 69 

    3.11 Exercises. 70 

    CHAPTER 4 Foundations of shared memory .. 75 

    4.1 Thespaceofregisters  76 

    4.2 Registerconstructions  81 

    4.2.1 SafeMRSWregisters . 82 

    4.2.2 AregularBooleanMRSWregister  83 

    4.2.3 AregularM-valuedMRSWregister .. 84 

    4.2.4 AnatomicSRSWregister . 85 

    4.2.5 AnatomicMRSWregister  87 

    4.2.6 AnatomicMRMWregister 90 

    4.3 Atomicsnapshots  92 

    4.3.1 Anobstruction-freesnapshot.. 92 

    4.3.2 Await-freesnapshot .. 93 

    4.3.3 Correctnessarguments  97 

    4.4 Chapternotes. 98 

    4.5 Exercises. 99 

    CHAPTER 5 The relative power of primitive synchronization operations  103 

    5.1 Consensusnumbers .. 104 

    5.1.1 Statesandvalence. 105 

    5.2 Atomicregisters . 106 

    5.3 Consensusprotocols . 109 

    5.4 FIFOqueues . 110 

    5.5 Multipleassignmentobjects.. 113 

    5.6 Read–modify–writeoperations .. 116 

    5.7 Common2RMWoperations . 117 

    5.8 ThecompareAndSet operation . 119 

    5.9 Chapternotes. 120 

    5.10 Exercises. 121 

    CHAPTER 6 Universality of consensus .. 129 

    6.1 Introduction.. 129 

    6.2 Universality.. 130 

    6.3 Alock-freeuniversalconstruction  130 

    6.4 Await-freeuniversalconstruction  134 

    6.5 Chapternotes. 140 

    6.6 Exercises. 141 

    PART 2 Practice 

    CHAPTER 7 Spin locks and contention .. 147 

    7.1 Welcometotherealworld  147 

    7.2 Volatilefieldsandatomicobjects . 150 

    7.3 Test-and-setlocks  150 

    7.4 Exponentialback-off . 154 

    7.5 Queuelocks.. 156 

    7.5.1 Array-basedlocks . 156 

    7.5.2 TheCLHqueuelock.. 159 

    7.5.3 TheMCSqueuelock.. 161 

    7.6 Aqueuelockwithtimeouts .. 163 

    7.7 Hierarchicallocks  166 

    7.7.1 Ahierarchicalback-offlock .. 167 

    7.7.2 Cohortlocks .. 167 

    7.7.3 Acohortlockimplementation . 170 

    7.8 Acompositelock. 171 

    7.9 Afastpathforthreadsrunningalone . 178 

    7.10 Onelocktorulethemall . 180 

    7.11 Chapternotes. 180 

    7.12 Exercises. 181 

    CHAPTER 8 Monitors and blocking synchronization . 183 

    8.1 Introduction.. 183 

    8.2 Monitorlocksandconditions. 183 

    8.2.1 Conditions  185 

    8.2.2 Thelost-wakeupproblem . 187 

    8.3 Readers–writerslocks  189 

    8.3.1 Simplereaders–writerslock .. 190 

    8.3.2 Fairreaders–writerslock .. 192 





    CHAPTER9  Linkedlists:Theroleoflocking..201

    9.1 Introduction..201

    9.2 List-basedsets20

    9.3 Concurrentreasoning.204

    9.4 Coarse-grainedsynchronization..20

    9.5 Fine-grainedsynchronization.207

    9.6 Optimisticsynchronization..211

    9.7 Lazysynchronization.215

    9.8 Nonblockingsynchronization.22

    9.9 Discussion225

    9.10 Chapternotes.226

    9.11 Exercises.226

    CHAPTER 10 Queues, memory management, and the ABA problem  229 

    10.1 Introduction.. 229 

    10.2 Queues .. 230 

    10.3 Aboundedpartialqueue . 230 

    10.4 Anunboundedtotalqueue  235 

    10.5 Alock-freeunboundedqueue  236 

    10.6 MemoryreclamationandtheABAproblem .. 240 

    10.6.1Ana.vesynchronousqueue 244 

    10.7 Dualdatastructures .. 244 

    10.8 Chapternotes. 248 

    10.9 Exercises. 248 

    CHAPTER 11 Stacks and elimination . 251 

    11.1 Introduction.. 251 

    11.2 Anunboundedlock-freestack  251 

    11.3 Elimination .. 254 

    11.4 Theeliminationback-offstack 255 

    11.4.1Alock-freeexchanger. 255 

    11.4.2Theeliminationarray . 257 

    11.5 Chapternotes. 260 

    11.6 Exercises. 261 

    CHAPTER 12 Counting, sorting, and distributed coordination  265 

    12.1 Introduction.. 265 

    12.2 Sharedcounting.. 265 

    12.3 Softwarecombining.. 266 

    12.3.1Overview . 267 

    12.3.2Anextendedexample . 274 

    12.3.3Performanceandrobustness .. 275 

    12.4 Quiescentlyconsistentpoolsandcounters  276 

    12.5 Countingnetworks 276 

    12.5.1Networksthatcount .. 276 

    12.5.2Thebitoniccountingnetwork . 279 

    12.5.3Performanceandpipelining 287 

    12.6 Diffractingtrees.. 288 

    12.7 Parallelsorting .. 292 

    12.8 Sortingnetworks . 293 

    12.8.1Designingasortingnetwork .. 294 

    12.9 Samplesorting 296 

    12.10 Distributedcoordination . 298 

    12.11 Chapternotes. 299 

    12.12 Exercises. 300 

    CHAPTER13 Concurrent hashing and natural parallelism  305 

    13.1 Introduction.. 305 

    13.2 Closed-addresshashsets . 306 

    13.2.1 Acoarse-grainedhashset . 308 

    13.2.2 Astripedhashset . 310 

    13.2.3 Arefinablehashset 311 

    13.3 Alock-freehashset .. 315 

    13.3.1 Recursivesplit-ordering .. 315 

    13.3.2 TheBucketList class.. 318 

    13.3.3 TheLockFreeHashSet class. 319 

    13.4 Anopen-addresshashset. 323 

    13.4.1Cuckoohashing .. 323 

    13.4.2Concurrentcuckoohashing  324 

    13.4.3Stripedconcurrentcuckoohashing  329 

    13.4.4Arefinableconcurrentcuckoohashset  331 

    13.5 Chapternotes. 332 

    13.6 Exercises. 334 

    CHAPTER 14 Skiplists and balanced search . 335 

    14.1 Introduction.. 335 

    14.2 Sequentialskiplists .. 335 

    14.3 Alock-basedconcurrentskiplist . 337 

    14.3.1 Abird’s-eyeview . 337 

    14.3.2 Thealgorithm . 339 

    14.4 Alock-freeconcurrentskiplist  345 

    14.4.1 Abird’s-eyeview . 345 

    14.4.2 Thealgorithmindetail  348 

    14.5 Concurrentskiplists .. 355 

    14.6 Chapternotes. 356 

    14.7 Exercises. 356 

    CHAPTER 15 Priority queues  359 

    15.1 Introduction.. 359 

    15.1.1Concurrentpriorityqueues  359 

    15.2 Anarray-basedboundedpriorityqueue .. 360 

    15.3 Atree-basedboundedpriorityqueue . 361 

    15.4 Anunboundedheap-basedpriorityqueue. 363 

    15.4.1Asequentialheap . 363 

    15.4.2Aconcurrentheap. 365 

    15.5 Askiplist-basedunboundedpriorityqueue 371 

    15.6 Chapternotes. 374 

    15.7 Exercises. 375 

    CHAPTER 16 Scheduling and work distribution . 377 

    16.1 Introduction.. 377 

    16.2 Analyzingparallelism  384 

    16.3 Realisticmultiprocessorscheduling .. 387 

    16.4 Workdistribution. 389 

    16.4.1 Workstealing . 389 

    16.4.2 Yieldingandmultiprogramming .. 390 

    16.5 Work-stealingdeques. 390 

    16.5.1 Aboundedwork-stealingdeque .. 391 

    16.5.2 Anunboundedwork-stealingdeque 395 

    16.5.3 Workdealing . 397 

    16.6 Chapternotes. 400 

    16.7 Exercises. 401 

    CHAPTER 17 Data parallelism . 405 

    17.1 MapReduce .. 407 

    17.1.1 TheMapReduce framework . 408 

    17.1.2 AMapReduce-basedWordCount application . 410 

    17.1.3 AMapReduce-basedKMeans application. 411 

    17.1.4 TheMapReduce implementation  411 

    17.2 Streamcomputing  414 

    17.2.1 Astream-basedWordCount application . 416 

    17.2.2 Astream-basedKMeans application  417 

    17.2.3 Makingaggregateoperationsparallel . 419 

    17.3 Chapternotes. 422 

    17.4 Exercises. 423 

    CHAPTER 18 Barriers  431 

    18.1 Introduction.. 431 

    18.2 Barrierimplementations.. 432 

    18.3 Sensereversingbarrier 433 

    18.4 Combiningtreebarrier 434 

    18.5 Statictreebarrier . 436 

    18.6 Terminationdetectionbarriers  438 

    18.7 Chapternotes. 442 

    18.8 Exercises. 443 

    CHAPTER 19 Optimism and manual memory management  451 

    19.1 TransitioningfromJavatoC++ .. 451 

    19.2 Optimismandexplicitreclamation 451 

    19.3 Protectingpendingoperations  454 

    19.4 Anobjectformanagingmemory . 455 

    19.5 Traversingalist .. 456 

    19.6 Hazardpointers .. 458 

    19.7 Epoch-basedreclamation . 462 

    19.8 Chapternotes. 465 

    19.9 Exercises. 466 

    CHAPTER 20 Transactional programming  467 

    20.1 Challengesinconcurrentprogramming .. 467 

    20.1.1 Problemswithlocking. 467 

    20.1.2 Problemswithexplicitspeculation  468 

    20.1.3 Problemswithnonblockingalgorithms  470 

    20.1.4 Problemswithcompositionality .. 471 

    20.1.5 Summary . 472

    20.2 Transactionalprogramming .. 472 

    20.2.1 Anexampleoftransactionalprogramming. 473 

    20.3 Hardwaresupportfortransactionalprogramming. 475 

    20.3.1 Hardwarespeculation . 475 

    20.3.2 Basiccachecoherence. 475 

    20.3.3 Transactionalcachecoherence. 476 

    20.3.4 Limitationsofhardwaresupport .. 477 

    20.4 Transactionallockelision  478 

    20.4.1 Discussion  480 

    20.5 Transactionalmemory  481 

    20.5.1 Run-timescheduling .. 482 

    20.5.2 Explicitself-abort . 483 

    20.6 Softwaretransactions. 483 

    20.6.1 Transactionswithownershiprecords .. 485 

    20.6.2 Transactionswithvalue-basedvalidation.. 490 

    20.7 Combininghardwareandsoftwaretransactions .. 492 

    20.8 Transactionaldatastructuredesign 493 

    20.9 Chapternotes. 494 

    20.10 Exercises. 494 

    APPENDIX A Software basics .. 497 

    A.1 Introduction.. 497 

    A.2 Java.. 497 

    A.2.1 Threads 497 

    A.2.2 Monitors.. 498 

    A.2.3 Yieldingandsleeping . 501 

    A.2.4 Thread-localobjects .. 502 

    A.2.5 Randomization  503 

    A.3 TheJavamemorymodel . 504 

    A.3.1 Locksandsynchronizedblocks  505 

    A.3.2 Volatilefields . 506 

    A.3.3 Finalfields  506 

    A.4 C++.. 508 

    A.4.1 ThreadsinC++ 508 

    A.4.2 LocksinC++ . 509 

    A.4.3 Conditionvariables  510 

    A.4.4 Atomicvariables.. 512 

    A.4.5 Thread-localstorage .. 513 

    A.5 C#  514 

    A.5.1 Threads 514 

    A.5.2 Monitors.. 515 

    A.5.3 Thread-localobjects .. 517 

    A.6 Appendixnotes .. 518 

    APPENDIX B Hardware basics  519 

    B.1 Introduction(andapuzzle) .. 519 

    B.2 Processorsandthreads 522 

    B.3 Interconnect.. 522 

    B.4 Memory . 523 

    B.5 Caches 523 

    B.5.1 Coherence. 524 

    B.5.2 Spinning .. 526 

    B.6 Cache-consciousprogramming,orthepuzzlesolved . 526 

    B.7 Multicoreandmultithreadedarchitectures  527 

    B.7.1 Relaxedmemoryconsistency . 528 

    B.8 Hardwaresynchronizationinstructions 529 

    B.9 Appendixnotes .. 530 

    B.10 Exercises. 531 

    Bibliography.. 533 

    Index . 541

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