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    【作者】 方振宇主編 
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    作  者:方振宇 主編 著 方振宇 編
    定  價:49.8
    出 版 社:時代華文書局
    頁  數:440
    裝  幀:平裝
    ●Chapter 1 準備出發嘍! Preparations and Departure1
    Section 1 計劃旅行 Planning the Tours2
    Section 2 申請簽證 Applying for a Visa6
    Section 3 預訂機票 Booking Tickets10
    Section 4 辦理登機 Registering for Boarding14
    Section 5 在飛機上 On the Airplane18
    Section 6 中途轉機 Transfer22
    Section 7 行李提取 Retrieving the Luggage26
    Section 8 通關檢查 Security Check30
    Section 9 兌換 Exchanging Foreign Currencies34
    Chapter 2 到達酒店 Arriving at the Hotel39
    Section 1 預訂房間 Reserving a Room40
    Section 2 登記入住 Checking In45
    Section 3 安置行李 Arranging for the Luggage50
    Section 4 客房服務Room Service54
    Section 5 酒店投訴 Complaints58
    Section 6 結賬退房 Checking Out62
    Chapter 3 出門交通工具 Traffic66
    Section 1 乘公交車 Taking a Bus67
    Section 2 乘出租車 Taking a Taxi71
    Section 3 乘坐地鐵 Taking the Subway76
    Section 4 乘坐火車 Taking a Train80
    Section 5 騎自行車 Riding a Bike84

    Section 6 乘船 Taking a Ship88
    Section 7 自駕車 Driving a Car92
    Section 8 租車 Renting a Car97
    Chapter 4 品嘗當地美食 Enjoying Local Food101
    Section 1 談論當地美食 Talking About Local Cuisines102
    Section 2 餐廳訂位 Booking a Table106
    Section 3 入座 Taking a Seat110
    Section 4 點菜 Ordering Food114
    Section 5 用餐 Eating118
    Section 6 快餐自助 At a Cafeteria122
    Section 7 就餐有意見 Complaining126
    Section 8 買單 Paying the Bill130
    Chapter 5 享受生活服務 Service for Daily Life134
    Section 1 打電話 Making a Telephone Call135
    Section 2 在銀行 At the Bank139
    Section 3 在郵局 At the t Office143
    Section 4 在理發店 At the Hairdresser147
    Section 5 在超市 At the Supermarket151
    Section 6 尋找洗手間 Finding a Restroom156
    Chapter 6 景區觀光與拍照 Sightseeing and Photo-Taking160
    Section 1 問詢 Inquiring161
    Section 2 去畫廊 Going to a Gallery165
    Section 3 參觀博物館 Visiting a seum169
    Section 4 拜訪名人故居 Visiting Former Residences of Celebrities173
    Section 5 遊覽名校 Visiting a Famous University177
    Section 6 在景區 At the Scenic Spot181
    Section 7 拍照留念 Taking Pictures186
    Section 8 廣播找人 Having Someone Paged190
    Chapter 7 放松休閑去 Having Some Fun194
    Section 1 在酒吧 At a Bar195
    Section 2 在咖啡館 At a Cafe199
    Section 3 在電影院 At a Cinema203
    Section 4 在遊樂園 At an Amusement Park208
    Section 5 觀看體育比賽Watching Sports Competitions213
    Section 6 在圖書館 At the Library218
    Section 7 公園散步 Taking a Walk in the Park222
    Section 8 蹦極攀岩Bungee Jumping and Rock Climbing226
    Section 9 漂流與衝浪 Drifting and Surfing230
    Section 10 在劇院 In the Theater234
    Section 11 滑雪 Skiing239
    Section 12 野營 Camping243
    Section 13 打高爾夫 Playing Golf247
    Section 14 結交新朋友 Making New Friends252
    Section 15 拜訪老朋友 Meeting Old Friends256
    Chapter 8 瘋狂掃貨 Shopping260
    Section 1 品牌與式樣 Brand and Style261
    Section 2 討價還價 Bargaining265
    Section 3 買衣服 Buying Clothes269
    Section 4 買鞋 Buying Shoes273
    Section 5 買珠寶和飾品 Buying Jewels and Ornaments277
    Section 6 買化妝品 Buying Cosmetics282
    Section 7 買紀念品 Buying Souvenirs287
    Section 8 買電子產品 Buying Electronic Products291
    Section 9 買特產 Buying Speties296
    Section 10 禮品包裝 Packaging300
    Section 11 尋找減價商品 Searching for Sales304
    Section 12 售後服務 After-Sale Service308
    Section 13 換貨退貨 Exchange and Refund312
    Chapter 9 旅途談天說地 Chatting During the Tour316
    Section 1 聊天氣和季節 Talking About Weather and Seasons317
    Section 2 聊工作 Talking About Jobs322
    Section 3 聊愛好 Talking About Hobbies327
    Section 4 聊體育運動 Talking About Sports331
    Section 5 聊時間 Talking About Time336
    Section 6 聊夢想 Talking About Dreams340
    Section 7 聊健康 Talking About Health345
    Section 8 聊環境 Talking About the Environment349
    Section 9 聊奧運 Talking About Olympic Games354
    Section 10 聊習俗 Talking About Customs358
    Chapter 10 領略異域風情 Traveling Abroad363
    Section 1 歐洲之旅 A Trip in Europe364
    Section 2 美洲之旅 A Trip in America369
    Section 3 亞洲之旅 A Trip in Asia373
    Section 4 非洲之旅 A Trip in Africa377
    Section 5 澳大利亞之旅 A Trip in Australia381
    Section 6 外國風俗 Foreign Customs385
    Chapter 11 應付突發狀況 Dealing with Emergencies389
    Section 1 迷路 Getting Lost390
    Section 2 與同伴走散Cannot Find Your Companions394
    Section 3 財物丟失 Things Get Lost398
    Section 4 疾病 Illness402
    Section 5 天氣突變 Weather Change407
    Section 6 交通事故 Traffic Accident411
    Section 7 火災 Fire415
    Section 8 自然災害 Natural Disaster419
    方振宇 主編 著 方振宇 編

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