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    【作者】 方振宇主編 
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    作  者:方振宇 編
    定  價:49.8
    出 版 社:北京時代華文書局
    頁  數:267
    裝  幀:平裝
    ●Chapter 1 求職應聘 The Job Interview 1
    Section 1 自我介紹,展示纔華 Self-Introduction, Show Your Skills 2
    1 我的專業技能 My Specialized Skills
    2 一些特殊的語言技能 Some Unique Language Skills
    Section 2 優勢與劣勢Advantages and Disadvantages 7
    1 優缺點 Strengths and Weaknesses
    2 我的專業背景 My Major Background
    Section 3 應聘原因 Reasons for Applying for the Job 13
    1 為何應聘這份工作 Why This Job
    2 為什麼是心理學 Why Psychology
    Section 4 職業規劃 Career Planning 18
    1 長期職業目標 Long-Term Career Goals
    2 未來的目標 Future Goals
    Section 5 薪資待遇 Expected Salary and Benefits 23
    1 關於工資範圍 About Salary Range
    2 公司的福利待遇 The Benefits of the Company
    Section 6 面試結束了 After the Interview 28
    1 三天內給結果 Know the Decision Within Three Days
    2 錄用 A Job Offer
    Chapter 2 新丁報到,請多關照 The Office Newcomer 33
    Section 1 主動結識同事 Introducing Yourself to Coworkers 34
    1 我是新員工 I’m a New Employee
    2 我是您的助理 I’m Your Assistant
    Section 2 領取辦公用品 Getting Office Supplies 39
    1 筆和便利貼 Pens and t-its
    2 換臺電腦 Change a Computer
    Section 3 熟悉工作環境 Getting Familiar with the Work Environment 44
    1 參觀綜合大樓 A Tour of the Complex
    2 參觀辦公室 Visit the Office
    Section 4 參加培訓 Attending Training Courses 49
    1 新員工培訓會 The Training Session for Newcomers
    2 三場研討會 Three Workshops
    Chapter 3 進入工作狀態Working Time 54
    Section 1 上司分配任務 Taking on a Task 55
    1 寫專題報道 Write the Feature Article
    2 專題的視角 The Angle of the Feature
    Section 2 開展工作 Getting Started 60
    1 開始著手項目 Start the Project
    2 我的計劃 My Plan
    Section 3 團隊協作力量大 Being a Team Player 65
    1 不錯的團隊合作 Good Team Work
    2 團隊協作 Team Cooperation
    Section 4 彙報工作進度 Reporting Your Progress 70
    1 提交周報 Submit the Weekly Reports
    2 周報的截止日期 The Deadline of Weekly Reports
    Section 5 保證按時完成 Finishing on Time 75
    1 能按時完成 Be Able to Finish on Time
    2 確保今晚按時完成 Make Sure to Finish on Time Tonight
    Chapter 4 日常事務處理Daily Affairs 79
    Section 1 日常文件整理Filing Documents 80
    1 找文件 Look for Files
    2 按日期歸檔 File Documents Under the Date
    Section 2 公司內部郵件往來
    Communicating with Coworkers via Email 85
    1 發送項目說明郵件 Send an Email About the Instructions of a Project
    2 設置郵件主題 Give Every Email a Subject
    Section 3 發函聯絡客戶 Contacting Clients Using Business Emails 90
    1 給保羅發封郵件 Send an Email to Paul
    2 與客戶的溝通方式 The Way of Contacting Clients
    Section 4 遇到了問題,尋求幫助 Asking for Help 95
    1 我真的需要幫助 I Really Need Help
    2 你應該找安妮幫忙 You Should Ask Annie for Help
    Chapter 5 電話溝通無障礙Telephone Communications 100
    Section 1 接聽電話,禮貌得體Answering the Phone 101
    1 羅傑先生在嗎 Is Mr Roger There
    2 請維姬接電話 May I Speak to Vicky
    Section 2 轉接電話 Transferring a Call 106
    1 轉接電話 Transfer a Call
    2 請別掛機 Please Hold
    Section 3 應對電話咨詢 Responding to Enquiries 111
    1 電話咨詢工作 A Call to Enquire About the ition
    2 電話咨詢新電影 A Call to Enquire About the New Movie
    Section 4 與客戶在電話裡溝通
    Communicating with Customers over the Phone 116
    1 電話確認 A Call to Confirm
    2 獲得反饋 Obtain Feedback
    Section 5 處理客戶投訴 Responding to Customer’s Complaints 121
    1 電話機壞了 The Phone Is Broken
    2 三明治弄錯了 The Wrong Sandwich
    Chapter 6 主持會議不怯場Holding a Meeting 127
    Section 1 會議的籌備 Preparing for a Meeting 128
    1 做PPT Make a PowerPoint
    2 明天的會議 Tomorrow’s Meeting
    Section 2 會議開始了Opening a Meeting 134
    1 歡迎參加周會 Welcome to This Week’s Meeting
    2 會議開始 The Meeting Begins
    Section 3 征求別人意見Asking for Suggestions 139
    1 新產品演示 New Products Presentation
    2 南美市場戰略 South America Strategy
    Section 4 表達贊同或反對Agreeing and Disagreeing 145
    1 接近不認同 Totally Disagree
    2 謝謝你的意見 Thanks for Your Comment
    Section 5 做好會議總結Drawing a Conclusion 150
    1 記錄票數 Record the Votes
    2 記住會議內容 Remember the Contents of the Conference
    Chapter 7 業務達人,誰與爭鋒 Being the Best
    Salesman 155
    Section 1 進行市場調研 Conducting a Market Survey 156
    1 產品市場調查 A Market Survey on the Products
    2 幫忙做市場調研 Help with Some Market Research
    Section 2 開展營銷活動Starting a Marketing Campaign 161
    1 推廣新雜志 Promote a New Magazine
    2 尋找目標受眾 Look for Target Audience
    Section 3 爭取客戶訂單Obtaining Purchase Orders 167
    1 提交訂購單 Submit the Purchase Order
    2 新訂購單和報價 A New Purchase Order and Price
    Section 4 需要出差 Being on a Business Trip 172
    1 更新出差手冊 Update the Business Trip Manual
    2 飛往舊金山參加培訓 Fly to San Francisco for Training
    Section 5 升職加薪Promotion and Getting a Raise 177
    1 談談加薪 Talk About the Pay Raise
    2 應該加薪 Deserve a Raise
    Section 6 迎接年終考核The Annual Evaluation 182
    1 考核不出意料 No Surprises for Evaluation
    2 年終考核 Annual Review
    Chapter 8 成為談判高手Becoming a Good Negotiator 187
    Section 1 介紹自己及公司 Presenting Yourself and Your Company 188
    1 洽談業務 Represent the Business
    2 介紹公司 Present the Company
    Section 2 向對方介紹產品Introducing Your Products 193
    1 介紹冰箱 Introduce Refrigerators
    2 介紹產品及服務 Introduce Products and Services
    Section 3 討論合作的可能性Discussing Cooperation Opportunities 198
    1 對合作感興趣 Be Interested in Cooperation
    2 保險業務合作 Cooperation of Insurance Business
    Section 4 進行價格談判Negotiating the Price 204
    1 談車的價格 Negotiate the Price of the Car
    2 保險報價 The Quote of Insurance
    Section 5 協商合約細節Negotiating the Contract 209
    1 修改合同細節 Make Some Changes of the Contract
    2 23%更合適 23% Is More Realistic
    Section 6 協商付款方式Negotiating Payment Terms 214
    1 首付款65% Take 65% as a Down Payment
    2 每半年付一次款 Pay Every Six Months
    Section 7 雙方簽訂合同Signing the Contract 220
    1 簽合同並履行 Sign the Contract and Fulfill It
    2 今天簽合同 Sign the Contract Today
    Chapter 9 跟同事相處,其樂融融Getting Along with Your Coworkers 225
    Section 1 跟同事共進午餐Having Lunch with Your Coworkers 226
    1 聊午餐 About Lunch
    2 喫午餐閑聊 Eat Their Lunch and Chat
    Section 2 虛心向同事學習Learning from Your Coworkers 232
    1 公司新標志 A New Logo of the Company
    2 幫助同事操作PPT Help a Coworker to Operate the PPT
    Section 3 及時解決矛盾與衝突Solving Contradictions and Conflicts 237
    1 我今天有點兒沮喪 I’m Kind of Frustrated Today
    2 請把餐具放到水池 Please Put the Dishes in the Sink
    Chapter 10 遇到特殊狀況Special Circumstances 250
    Section 1 上班遲到了Arriving Late 243
    1 別為遲到找借口 No Excuse for Being Late
    2 睡過頭了 Overslept
    Section 2 需要加班Working Overtime 248
    1 今晚要加班 Need to Work Overtime Tonight
    2 今晚不加班 No Overtime Work Tonight
    Section 3 開始休假Taking a Vacation 253
    1 計劃去休假 Plan to Go on a Vacation
    2 批準休假 Approve the Vacation Request
    Section 4 進行崗位調動Transferring Jobs 258
    1 調往匹茲堡分公司 Move to the Branch in Pittsburgh
    2 願意調職去北京 Willing to Relocate to Beijing
    Section 5 請辭Resigning 263
    1 遞交辭職信 Hand in the Letter of Resignation
    2 為了孩子辭職 Resigning for Kids
    方振宇 編

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