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    作  者:邱銀春 編
    定  價:55
    出 版 社:中國鐵道出版社有限公司
    頁  數:324
    裝  幀:平裝
    【附贈音頻,聽與說同步練習,學得精】專題精講,外貿場景全覆蓋,學得全 模塊結構,精講外貿實用知識,學得好 模擬情景,身臨其境實戰學習,學得快
    ●CHAPTER 01 外貿營銷Trade Marketing
    PART 1 營銷話題Marketing Topics /2
    Unit 1 市場調查Marketing Surveys /2
    Unit 2 廣告營銷Advertising Marketing /4
    Unit 3 促銷活動Promotional Events /7
    PART 2 開發客戶Seeking for Customers /10
    Unit 1 開發信Sales Mail /10
    Unit 2 信函來往Business Letter /13
    Unit 3 電話溝通Telephone Communication /16
    PART 3 參加展會Trade Fair /19
    Unit 1 展位相關About Booth /19
    Unit 2 接待客戶Customer Services /24
    Unit 3 會後跟進Contact after Fair /28
    CHAPTER 02 商務往來Doing Business
    PART 1 預約會面Make an Appointment /32
    Unit 1 要求會面Demanding an Appointment /32
    Unit 2 安排會面Arranging an Appointment /36
    PART 2 外賓接待Receiving Customers /39
    Unit 1 商務簽證邀請函Visa Invitation Letter /39
    Unit 2 迎接客戶Picking up Customers /42
    Unit 3 商務參觀Business Visit /45
    Unit 4 商務會餐Business Dinner /49
    Unit 5 安排活動Arranging Activities /53
    Unit 6 機場道別Seeing off /56
    PART 3 商務出差Business Travel /58
    Unit 1 入境手續Entry Formalities /58
    Unit 2 飛機旅程Air Travel /61
    Unit 3 安排住宿Arranging Accommodations /66
    Unit 4 交通出行Transportation /70
    PART 4 日常通知Daily Notification /73
    Unit 1 公司變動通知Company Change Notice /73
    Unit 2 職務調整通知 ition Adjustment Notice /77
    CHAPTER 03 合作形式Forms of Cooperation
    PART 1 合作Cooperation /82
    Unit 1 合資經營Joint Venture /82
    Unit 2 合並收購Mergers & Acquisitions /85
    Unit 3 技術轉讓Technology Transfer /88
    PART 2 代理Agent /92
    Unit 1 申請代理Applying for Agency /92
    Unit 2 拒絕代理 Refusing an Agent /94
    Unit 3 代理協商Agency Negotiation /97
    Unit 4 任命代理Appointing an Agent /100
    PART 3 貿易Trade /102
    Unit 1 加工和組裝貿易Processing and Assembling Trade /102
    Unit 2 其他貿易形式Other Forms of Trade /107
    Unit 3 招標與投標Bidding and Tendering /114
    CHAPTER 04 業務洽談Trade Negotiations
    PART 1 詢盤與報盤Inquiry and Offer /118
    Unit 1 詢盤處理Dealing with Inquiries /118
    Unit 2 報盤處理Dealing with Offers /121
    Unit 3 推薦產品Recommending Products /125
    PART 2 還盤Counter offer /129
    Unit 1 還盤處理Dealing with Counter offer /129
    Unit 2 價格談判Price Negotiations /137
    Unit 3 新的價目單A Renewed Price List /140
    PART 3 訂貨與確認Order and Confirmation /143
    Unit 1 樣品準備Sample Preparation /143
    Unit 2 訂單處理Dealing with Orders /150
    Unit 3 要求傭金Asking for a Commission /159
    Unit 4 要求Asking for a Discount /162
    CHAPTER 05 外貿協商Business Negotiations
    PART 1 客戶會議Customer Meeting /166
    Unit 1 會前準備Meeting Preparations /166
    Unit 2 會議環節Meeting Sessions /169
    PART 2 商定條款Terms Negotiations /175
    Unit 1 運輸方式Delivery Methods Negotiation /175
    Unit 2 交貨期限Consignment Deadline Negotiation /178
    Unit 3 包裝方式Packing Methods Negotiation /180
    Unit 4 保險條款Insurance Terms Negotiation /183
    Unit 5 付款方式Payment methods Negotiation /185
    PART 3 合同事務About Contract /188
    Unit 1 合同評審Contract Evaluation /188
    Unit 2 簽訂合同Signing a Contract /191
    Unit 3 終止合同Terminating a Contract /193
    CHAPTER 06 商品報關Declaration of Goods
    PART 1 生產Production /198
    Unit 1 生產階段Producing Stage /198
    Unit 2 生產問題Producing Problems /202
    PART 2 商品檢驗Commodity Inspection /205
    Unit 1 商檢討論Inspection Discussion /205
    Unit 2 商檢程序Inspection Procedures /209
    Unit 3 檢驗爭議Discrepancy about Inspection /212
    PART 3 通關Customs Clearance /215
    Unit 1 通關討論Customs Clearance Discussion /215
    Unit 2 報關資料Declaration Documents /218
    Unit 3 問詢Questioning at the Customs /222
    PART 4 裝運和交貨Shipment and Delivery /224
    Unit 1 裝運指示Shipment Instructions /224
    Unit 2 裝運問題Shipment Problems /228
    Unit 3 裝運和交貨通知Shipment and Delivery Notice /231
    CHAPTER 07 後續事項Follow-up Mathers
    PART 1 關於支付About Payment /236
    Unit 1 支付結算Payment Clearing /236
    Unit 2 催款Payment Reminder /241
    Unit 3 付款錯誤Payment Error /246
    Unit 4 確認收到款項Payment Confirmation /248
    PART 2 售後跟進After-Sale Service /250
    Unit 1 詢問情況Inquiring about the Situation /250
    Unit 2 優化產品Optimizing Products /254
    Unit 3 交換信息Exchanged Information /256
    Unit 4 推薦新產品Promoting New Products /259
    CHAPTER 08 風險與紛爭Risk and Dispute
    PART 1 保險Insurance /264
    Unit 1 保險類別Insurance Categories /264
    Unit 2 保險費率Premium Rates /268
    Unit 3 投保Insurance /271
    Unit 4 賠償Compensation /273
    PART 2 投訴Complaints /276
    Unit 1 進行投訴Make a Complaint /276
    Unit 2 處理Solutions /280
    PART 3 索賠Claim /283
    Unit 1 提出索賠Compensation Claim /283
    Unit 2 賠付方式Compensation Methods /286
    CHAPTER 09 人際關繫拓展Establishing Interpersonal Relationship
    PART 1 私人交往Personal Relationship /294
    Unit 1 節日問候Festival Greetings /294
    Unit 2 贈送禮物Presenting Gifts /298
    PART 2 私下交流Private Communication /301
    Unit 1 祝賀與安慰Congratulations and Consolations /301
    Unit 2 請教與感謝Requests and Thanks /306
    邱銀春 編

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