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    【作者】 林戊蓀 著 
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    和目前市場已有的外文版《論語》相比較,林戊 蓀編*的《論語新解全譯》在內容上相當豐富。除以 主題為線索重新編排《論語》的內容外,還分別將西 方哲人,如柏拉圖、蘇格拉底等人與孔子在命運、思 想主張等方面進行比較,同時還將整理出中西方思想 家和學者對孔子的評價。通過《論語》的內容、西方 哲人與孔子的比較、中西方思想家和學者對孔子的評 價等,全面立體地展示孔子思想。此外,為增加實用 性,本書還精選了《論語》中被引用頻率*高的語句 、《論語》文章的術語翻譯,對於廣大英語學習者來 說,也具有很高的參考意義。
    I.Humaneness(仁ren) §1.1 What constitutes humaneness and what does not? §1.2 How to achieve humaneness. §1.3 What are its main manifestations? §1.4 The humaneness of the humane person.II.Ritual Propriety——Social Mores,Etiquette, Customs and Rules Governing Social Relationship §2.1 Relationship between humaneness and ritual propriety. §2.2 The essence of ritual propriety. §2.3 Ritual propriety as the basis of good governance. §2.4 Continuity of ritual propriety.III.Music(樂yue)and poetry(詩sbi)and their relationship with ritual proprietyIV.Other Confucian Values §4.1 Virtue/Virtuosity(德de). §4.2 The method ofthe mean(中庸zhongyong). §4.3 Harmony(和he). §4.4 Loyalty(忠zhong)and Forbearance(恕shu). §4.5 Trust(信xin),mutual trust among people and being truthful to one’S own words. §4.6 Justice/Appropriateness/Righteousness(義yi). §4.7 Rectification of names(正名zhengming). §4.8 Wisdom(智zhi). §4.9 Filial Piety(孝xiao). §4.10 Aspiration(志zhi). §4.11 Bravery(勇yong).V.On friendship(友you)and the right way to conduct oneself and deal with othersVI.Comments on Philosophical Issues §6.1 The Way(道dao). §6.2 Life andDeath/Time. §6.3 Heaven(天tian)and Mandate ofHeaven(天命tianming). §6.4 Gods and spirits. §6.5 Human Nature(人性renxin).VII.Learning(學xue)and teaching §7.1 Learning the“six arts(六藝liuyi)”. §7.2 Learning for self-improvement(striving to improve one’s moral character). §7.3 Method of learning. §7.4 Attitude of learning and teaching. §7.5 Method of teaching. §7.6 No discrimination in student admission.VIII.Governance(政zheng) §8.1 Humaneness as its guiding principle. §8.2 Rule by virtue rather than rule by punishment. §8.3 Rulers as role-models. §8.4 Importance of selecting the right people as administrators. §8.5 Significance of providing the right kinds of education forthe people. §8.6 Other requirements.IX.Man of honor(君子Junzi)VS.the petty—minded man(小人Xiaoren) §9.1 Whatmakesone aman ofhonor—criteriaforbeingaJunzi. §9.2 Traits of the petty—minded man. §9.3 Difference between fl man ofhonor and a petty—minded person.X.Role and Duty of Scholar/ofIicial(士sbi) §10.1 Scholar/Official(shi). §10.2 Ru(儒)/Hermit(隱士)/Good person(善人).XI.Confucius’Comments §11.1 About the time he lived in and before. §11.2 About historical and contemporary figures. §11.3 About current and historical events.XII.Confucius’comments about himself and how he behaved in difierent situations §12.1 About himself. §12.2 How he behaved in different situations.XIII.Confucius’Disciples §13.1 What they said about Confucius during his lifetime. §13.2 What they said about Confucius after his death. §13.3 Their interpretations of Confucius’core ideas. §l3.4 What Confucius said about his disciples and how he evaluated them.XIV.Miscellaneous topics which do not belong to any of above categories

    §1.1 What constitutes humaneness and what does not?
    §1.2 How to achieve humaneness.
    §1.3 What are its main manifestations?
    §1.4 The humaneness of the humane person.
    II.Ritual Propriety——Social Mores,Etiquette,
    Customs and Rules Governing Social
    §2.1 Relationship between humaneness and ritual propriety.
    §2.2 The essence of ritual propriety.
    §2.3 Ritual propriety as the basis of good governance.
    §2.4 Continuity of ritual propriety.
    III.Music(樂yue)and poetry(詩sbi)and their
    relationship with ritual propriety
    IV.Other Confucian Values
    §4.1 Virtue/Virtuosity(德de).
    §4.2 The method ofthe mean(中庸zhongyong).
    §4.3 Harmony(和he).
    §4.4 Loyalty(忠zhong)and Forbearance(恕shu).
    §4.5 Trust(信xin),mutual trust among people and being
    truthful to one’S own words.
    §4.6 Justice/Appropriateness/Righteousness(義yi).
    §4.7 Rectification of names(正名zhengming).
    §4.8 Wisdom(智zhi).
    §4.9 Filial Piety(孝xiao).
    §4.10 Aspiration(志zhi).
    §4.11 Bravery(勇yong).
    V.On friendship(友you)and the right way to
    conduct oneself and deal with others
    VI.Comments on Philosophical Issues
    §6.1 The Way(道dao).
    §6.2 Life andDeath/Time.
    §6.3 Heaven(天tian)and Mandate ofHeaven(天命tianming).
    §6.4 Gods and spirits.
    §6.5 Human Nature(人性renxin).
    VII.Learning(學xue)and teaching
    §7.1 Learning the“six arts(六藝liuyi)”.
    §7.2 Learning for self-improvement(striving to improve
    one’s moral character).
    §7.3 Method of learning.
    §7.4 Attitude of learning and teaching.
    §7.5 Method of teaching.
    §7.6 No discrimination in student admission.
    §8.1 Humaneness as its guiding principle.
    §8.2 Rule by virtue rather than rule by punishment.
    §8.3 Rulers as role-models.
    §8.4 Importance of selecting the right people as administrators.
    §8.5 Significance of providing the right kinds of education
    forthe people.
    §8.6 Other requirements.
    IX.Man of honor(君子Junzi)VS.the
    petty—minded man(小人Xiaoren)
    §9.1 Whatmakesone aman ofhonor—criteriaforbeingaJunzi.
    §9.2 Traits of the petty—minded man.
    §9.3 Difference between fl man ofhonor and a petty—minded person.
    X.Role and Duty of Scholar/ofIicial(士sbi)
    §10.1 Scholar/Official(shi).
    §10.2 Ru(儒)/Hermit(隱士)/Good person(善人).
    §11.1 About the time he lived in and before.
    §11.2 About historical and contemporary figures.
    §11.3 About current and historical events.
    XII.Confucius’comments about himself and
    how he behaved in difierent situations
    §12.1 About himself.
    §12.2 How he behaved in different situations.
    §13.1 What they said about Confucius during his lifetime.
    §13.2 What they said about Confucius after his death.
    §13.3 Their interpretations of Confucius’core ideas.
    §l3.4 What Confucius said about his disciples and
    how he evaluated them.
    XIV.Miscellaneous topics which do not belong
    to any of above categories

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