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    ☆ China Surpassed the West to Become the World’s Top Consumer of
    Copper, Aluminium, Zinc, Lead, Nickel, Tin, Gold and Silver

    ☆ China Surpassed the West to Become the World Top Producer &

    ☆ China Surpassed the West to Become the Metals World Power

    ☆ Some Western observers have already started to characterize the
    21st century as the “Chinese Century”.


            After decades of
    hardship and disasters, the China of the 1970s was, to quote
    Chairman Mao, “poor and blank”. The nation’s per-capita output of
    metals was among the lowest in the world. There were the Shenyang
    Copper and Fushun Aluminium Smelters left behind by the Soviet
    Union and Japan respectively, and not much else besides. But
    finally the oriental“sleeping dragon” woke up and took flight.
    After Deng Xiaoping introduced the policies of “Reform and
    Opening-Up” at the end of the 1970s, China experienced continuous
    rapid economic growth. Her production and consumption of metals
    overtook those of Europe and America, to occupy the number one spot
    in the new millennium.

    Jonathan Chang
    Born in Shanghai; university graduate in foreign language literature; and resident in Hong Kong.
    Since 1977 compiled English-Chinese Dictionary on Commerce Trade, and published in 1984 by the Commercial Press with moreprintings into 1990s.
    In 1977 introduced the nickel world leader INCO with the firsttechnical seminar to China upon her Reform and Opening-Up.
    Since 1978 joined London Metals Exchange founder Ring dealingmember Brandeis to start its Far East office and develop Chinatrade.
    Since 1982 – 1985 merged into aluminium world pioneer Pechineygroup in charge of Far East office and introducing advancedtechnology to help China great growth become the world’s topaluminium producer at the turn of the century.
    Since 1993 – 1995 started copper world leader producer ChileCodelco exclusive marketing direct to help China rapid growthbecome the world’s top copper consumer at the turn of the newmillennium.

    Jonathan Chang

    Born in Shanghai; university graduate in foreign language &
    literature; and resident in Hong Kong.

    Since 1977 compiled English-Chinese Dictionary on Commerce &
    Trade, and published in 1984 by the Commercial Press with more
    printings into 1990s.

    In 1977 introduced the nickel world leader INCO with the first
    technical seminar to China upon her Reform and Opening-Up.

    Since 1978 joined London Metals Exchange founder Ring dealing
    member Brandeis to start its Far East office and develop China

    Since 1982 – 1985 merged into aluminium world pioneer Pechiney
    group in charge of Far East office and introducing advanced
    technology to help China great growth become the world’s top
    aluminium producer at the turn of the century.

    Since 1993 – 1995 started copper world leader producer Chile
    Codelco exclusive marketing direct to help China rapid growth
    become the world’s top copper consumer at the turn of the new

    In 2004 – 2010 merged into the aluminium world leader, and by a
    management buy-out of the same team set up the new company as CEO
    while inviting the British leading bank as the prime support to
    continue international metals trade with China.

    In 2011 retired to write China’s Emergence to Metals Power: My 35
    years in international metals trade with China for Sino-West
    longterm friendly win-win cooperation.

    PREFACE ………………………………………………………… 1
    (China Surpassed the West to Become the World’s Top Consumer ofCopper, Aluminium, Zinc, Lead, Nickel, Tin, Gold and Silver)
    1. The Bronze Age — The Dawn of Civilization …… 17
    2. LME Copper Futures Founded the Modern Finance ……………………………………25
    3. Matching Supply and Demand: The “King of Copper” Visits China………………… 35
    4. Turning Crisis Into Opportunity —The Pioneer Years …………………………………47
    5. China’s Emergence in Metals Surprised the World … 53
    6. Chinese Entrepreneurial Talents Impressed the West…………………………………………… 63
    7. China Surpassed the West to Become the World’s Top Consumer………………………… 75
    Copper Chapter Postscript …………………………… 84
    (China Surpassed the West to Become the World Top Producer Consumer)
    1. New Metal Aluminium Marked Mankind into Modern Age…………………………………… 91
    2. French Consular Request to Clarify Chinese Misunderstandings………………………………… 98


    PREFACE ………………………………………………………… 1

    Chapter I Copper — The Oldest Metal Marked Mankind to
    Civilization ……… 15

    (China Surpassed the West to Become the World’s Top Consumer of
    Copper, Aluminium, Zinc, Lead, Nickel, Tin, Gold and Silver)

    1. The Bronze Age — The Dawn of Civilization …… 17

    2. LME Copper Futures Founded the Modern Finance ……………………………………

    3. Matching Supply and Demand: The “King of Copper” Visits China
    ………………… 35

    4. Turning Crisis Into Opportunity —The Pioneer Years …………………………………

    5. China’s Emergence in Metals Surprised the World … 53

    6. Chinese Entrepreneurial Talents Impressed the West
    …………………………………………… 63

    7. China Surpassed the West to Become the World’s Top Consumer
    ………………………… 75

    Copper Chapter Postscript …………………………… 84

    Chapter II Aluminium — The New Metal for Modern Civilization
    ………………………………… 89

    (China Surpassed the West to Become the World Top Producer &

    1. New Metal Aluminium Marked Mankind into Modern Age
    …………………………………… 91

    2. French Consular Request to Clarify Chinese Misunderstandings
    ………………………………… 98

    3. Pechiney Technology Helped China Develop Aluminium Industry
    ……………………………… 111

    4. Company Management: Comparisons between the West and China
    …………………… 127

    5. MoU Rescued the West Aluminium Industry —A Lesson for China
    ……………………………… 137

    6. Packaging & Transportation: The Western Evolution vs the
    Chinese Revolution …………… 147

    7. China Surpassed the West to Be the World’s Top Producer &
    Consumer ……………………… 160

    Aluminium Chapter Postscript ……………………… 168

    Chapter III Analysis of Sino-Western Cultural and Historical
    Misunderstandings …………………… 173

    (China Surpassed the West to Become the Metals World


    1. The Chinese 4 Great Inventions Proved the Peace-loving Nation
    ………………………… 176

    2. Why is China the World’s Only Continuous Old Civilization?
    ………………………………… 188

    3. The Rule of Law: Original Sin vs Virtuous Nature ………………………………

    4. China and the West, like Yin and Yang, Can Harmonize with Each
    Other ………………… 213

    5. Globalization — Pooling Strengths to Overcome Weaknesses
    ………………………… 224

    6. Limited Resources — Limitless Environmental Protection ………………………

    7. Sino-West Real Economy Cooperation for World Harmony
    ……………………………… 251

    POSTSCRIPT ………………………………………………… 265


    China’s Emergence To Metals Power:My 35 years in international
    trade with China for Sino-West longterm friendly win-win
    cooperation is absolutely not my autobiography, nor a monograph on
    Sino-West metals trade only as my personal account with actual
    examples for welcoming the experts to analyse why the West and
    China misunderstand each other, and how both sides can improve
    harmony. Only by combining soft and hard, Yin and Yang, can we
    build on our strengths and overcome our weaknesses in order to
    overcome the global recession and achieve steady development for
    win-win cooperation.

    Jonathan Chang

    The main purpose of thisnarrative is to brief our readers about the Sino-Western metalstrade for win-win world harmony. Hopefully in this respect we havenot been too technical or dull for our readers. We most appreciate,dear readers, your indulgence. We would like to conclude byinvoking two Chinese sayings which express the essence of Chineseculture: “The people regard eating as heavenly” and “To govern agreat country is like cooking a small dish”. Nowadays peopleeverywhere pay more attention to healthy eating — on this at leastthere is an East-West consensus. A country’s “eating culture” canreflect political, social and economic trends, living standards andthe people’s cultural standards.
    Historicalmisunderstandings between China and the West happened not onlyamongst ordinary people but even between top leaders in charge offoreign affairs. The story goes that the Qing Dynasty Premier LiHongzhang led a delegation to Britain, where he was warmly receivedby General Gordon. As a special gift for the VIP Chinese visitorGeneral Gordon presented him with the top prize-winning dog fromthe dog show. Later he received a reply from Mr Li: “Thank you verymuch for your kind gift. Although I am old and cannot eat much,your gift was really a special gourmet treat, which I enjoyed verymuch!”
    * * *

           The main purpose of this
    narrative is to brief our readers about the Sino-Western metals
    trade for win-win world harmony. Hopefully in this respect we have
    not been too technical or dull for our readers. We most appreciate,
    dear readers, your indulgence. We would like to conclude by
    invoking two Chinese sayings which express the essence of Chinese
    culture: “The people regard eating as heavenly” and “To govern a
    great country is like cooking a small dish”. Nowadays people
    everywhere pay more attention to healthy eating — on this at least
    there is an East-West consensus. A country’s “eating culture” can
    reflect political, social and economic trends, living standards and
    the people’s cultural standards.

    misunderstandings between China and the West happened not only
    amongst ordinary people but even between top leaders in charge of
    foreign affairs. The story goes that the Qing Dynasty Premier Li
    Hongzhang led a delegation to Britain, where he was warmly received
    by General Gordon. As a special gift for the VIP Chinese visitor
    General Gordon presented him with the top prize-winning dog from
    the dog show. Later he received a reply from Mr Li: “Thank you very
    much for your kind gift. Although I am old and cannot eat much,
    your gift was really a special gourmet treat, which I enjoyed very

    * * *

             The author not
    only had the good fortune to experience longterm Sino-Western
    cooperation in the metals business, but also had the pleasure of
    enjoying both Chinese and Western eating cultures. Among the
    Western cuisines we particularly enjoyed French cuisine. I once
    brought a Chinese aluminium delegation to visit our Pechiney
    Head-office in Paris. Our French President invited us to dinner and
    the starter was “Five flavours of veal”. I, as the VIP guest, was
    invited to guess what was what. There were five small pieces of
    meat on a plate, each with a different shape, colour, fragrance and
    taste. I tried each in turn and gave my opinion: “This one is
    striped with crispy and chewy bones, so it must be the ear; this
    one in white colour is like soft juicy jelly, so it must be the
    brain; this one is transparent and tasty though a bit fatty but not
    greasy, so it must be the nose; this one is darkish and chewy, it
    must be the tongue; this one is lean and beige coloured and tastes
    delicious, it must be the cheek.” The French chef, with his tall
    hat and white robe, came to our table:“Thank you, sir. You are the
    first foreigner who not only enjoyed our famous cuisine but also
    correctly guessed each item. Ah, you are Chinese, from the Oriental
    civilization great China with the famous Chinese cuisine, naturally
    enjoy our excellent French cuisine in the West. Thank you very
    much!” It was a delight to enjoy such delicious cuisine and a
    pleasure to receive such sincere appreciation. Not long afterwards
    came the bad cow disease”
    originated particularly from the head and brain of cattle and had
    an incubation period of 10 years. “Foot and Mouth Disease”, of
    which major symptoms were foaming of the mouth, nose and tongue,
    was also spreading from Europe to the rest of the world. (You need
    to appreciate the wry Western sense of humour to laugh at

    * * *

            Among oriental cuisines
    the best is our Chinese cuisine. Our Chinese copper longterm
    friendly customer invited us to a very special banquet, where we
    could “risk our lives to taste puffer fish” (called fugu in Japan).
    The puffer-fish eating season is very short: in Spring before the
    Qing Ming Festival, when the puffer fish grows mature but not yet
    full of poison; and the place is very specific: south of the
    Yangtse River near Changzhou, where the wild puffer fish grows best
    and the best chefs (who are the most skilled in removing the
    poison) can be found. Our host was the boss of China’s top copper
    rod-mill and had enjoyed our joint trip to Chile Codelco for our
    long-term contract. He first welcomed the visitors sitting round
    the big table with three“bottoms up” toasts, and then presented the
    three main dishes —the “Yangtse three famous fishes”. The first was
    wild swirl fish cooked in soy sauce, beautifully smooth and tender.
    The second was steamed wild sword fish, with soft crispy bones like
    fins, deliciously fresh and tasty. And then came the

             The host asked the
    chef himself to present the fresh puffer fish, just killed and
    washed on a big plate, and we witnessed him test-eat the fish meat
    near the poison organs of roe, liver and heart. Then the host
    requested me as the VIP guest to shake hands with the chef and chat
    in the traditional Chinese style: what’s his name, where’s his
    hometown, and how long is his professional chef experience. He
    dressed like a local farmer, spoke with the local accent, and had
    been a professional chef for decades, so of course reliable. We
    chatted for over twenty minutes, and the chef stood firm, smiled
    well, and spoke clearly, without any nerve poison symptoms. But our
    friends either wanted to be doubly sure, or maybe just out of fun
    said: “Twenty minutes is too short, and we need safety first, so
    Mr. Chang please continue your chat with the chef for another ten
    minutes!” So I asked the chef: “How is your family?” He replied
    that he looked after his long-retired parents, he himself had
    enjoyed a long marriage with his wife and their children were
    studying and all enjoyed good health. Eventually our host and
    guests were convinced and warmly applauded the chef for his top
    class cuisine and let him return to the kitchen. Our host proposed
    more“bottoms up” toasts for our long-term friendly cooperation and
    everybody was in high spirits. When the “piece de resistance”, the
    puffer fish, was presented the host lifted his chopsticks in
    invitation and the guests all tucked in with gusto. At the moment
    my writing is very slow, but at the time our eating was really
    fast! It was a pity I didn’t have the time to chew more slowly and
    enjoy the meal at leisure, but the taste was so fresh and delicious

    Jonathan Chang

    Chinese Spring Festival 2012 in Hong Kong

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