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  • Primer on Securalization證券化
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    【作者】 Leon 
    【所屬類別】 圖書  英文原版書  經管類Business  ProfessionalInvesting圖書  投資理財  英文原版書-投資理財 
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    Gathering fourteen lectures by the pioneers of securitization and by current practitioners--from Freddie Mac, Paine Webber, JP Morgan, Chrysler, McKinsey & Co., and other major players--A Primer on Securitization introduces readers to America's newest system of raising capital: what it is, how it operates, and what difference securitization makes.
    The securitization process bypasses financial intermediaries that have historically collected deposits and loaned them to those seeking funds, and links borrowers directly to money and capital markets. Authoritative and practical, these lectures show how securitization was developed to fill a gap in financial markets. They discuss the nature and causes of the market imperfections that made securitization a valuable source of funds, and describe how securitization has linked local mortgage markets with international capital markets. Readers will gain a broad perspective of the different parties--the borrower, the loan originator, the servicer, the rating agency, the special purpose vehicle, the credit enhancer, the underwriter, and the investor--as well as a detailed analysis of how these parties relate to one another.
    Preface vii
    Contributors ix
    1 Securitization: A New Era in American Finance
    2 Securitization's Role in Housing Finance: The Special Contributions of the Government-Sponsored Enterprises
    3 The Origins of Securitization, Sources of Its Growth, and Its Future Potential
    4 The Securitization of Commercial Property Debt
    5 How Public Corporations Use Securitization in Meeting Financial Needs: The Case of Chrysler Financial Corporation
    6 The Contributions of the Resolution Trust Corporation to the Securitization Process
    7 The Role of Rating Agencies in the Securitization Process
    8 The Workings of Private Mortgage Bankers and Securitization Conduits
    9 Securitization from the Investor View: Meeting Investor Needs with Products and Price
    10The Role of Pension Funds and Other Investors in Securitized Debt Markets
    11The Place of Securitization in the Financial System: Implications for Banking and Monetary Policy
    12The Use of Securitization by Investors and Issuers in International MarketsPreface vii
    Contributors ix
    1 Securitization: A New Era in American Finance
    2 Securitization's Role in Housing Finance: The Special Contributions of the Government-Sponsored Enterprises
    3 The Origins of Securitization, Sources of Its Growth, and Its Future Potential
    4 The Securitization of Commercial Property Debt
    5 How Public Corporations Use Securitization in Meeting Financial Needs: The Case of Chrysler Financial Corporation
    6 The Contributions of the Resolution Trust Corporation to the Securitization Process
    7 The Role of Rating Agencies in the Securitization Process
    8 The Workings of Private Mortgage Bankers and Securitization Conduits
    9 Securitization from the Investor View: Meeting Investor Needs with Products and Price
    10The Role of Pension Funds and Other Investors in Securitized Debt Markets
    11The Place of Securitization in the Financial System: Implications for Banking and Monetary Policy
    12The Use of Securitization by Investors and Issuers in International Markets
    13A Case Study in International Securitization: Meeting the Needs of Developing Nations
    14The Risks, Potential, and Promise of Securitization
    Suggested Readings

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