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  • Architect of Quality
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    【作者】 JURAN 
    【所屬類別】 圖書  管理  外文原版/影印版 
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    "Whatever advances American manufacturing has made in the last 30 to 40 years, we owe to Joe Juran." --Peter Drucker

    No one in the last hundred years has had more influence on the worldwide practice of quality in business than Dr. Juran. The roots of Six Sigma, TQM, ISO 9000, and other major quality movements can all be found in his teachings and writings.

    In Architect of Quality, the man who helped invent and champion quality management systems, quality circles, and teams long before they became standard practice tells the inspiring story of his life.

    Juran relates a classic American tale of a Romanian immigrant who overcame dire poverty and a childhood in a tar paper shack to make a profound impact on business and society. He candidly describes his rapid success and dramatic failure in his early years at Western Electric's famed Hawthorne plant and relives his experiences working on the war effort in Washington, DC, in the '40s and then advising postwar Japan on how to rebuild itself.

    Juran describes how he developed the core ideas behind the quality movement that started more than 60 years ago and now finds expression in the Six Sigma quality improvement movement 
    Dr Joseph M. Juran is recognized as the world's seminal leader of the quality movement. This autobiography shows how Juran developed the basic principles of quality and spread them around the world. It is also a personal story of this Romanian immigrant who overcame dire poverty.

    Dr.Joseph M.Juran'sbooks and videos on quality have been read and viewed ty millions of people and have been translated into 17 languages.Dr.Juran is the editor of Juran's Quality Handbook—now in its fifth edition—the“bible”of the quality professins since 1951.His Manageral Breakthrougb,first published in 1964,was the first book to describe a step-by-step sequence for breakthrough improvement—apocess that is the basis for quality inityives worldwide.Dr.Juran is the founder of the Juran Institute,established to create new tools and techniques for advancing his ideas.
    Part One.An Immigrant's Story:1904-1924
    1.Old World Roots:Romania,Judaism,and Poverty
    2.An Immingrant's New World:Same Proboems Same Fears in Minnesota
    3.Early Years in Minnespolis
    5.Life whth Dad:Bootligging,Bums,and the Red Light Eestict
    6.The Icehouse,Snake Oil Sales,and Breaking a Strike
    7.How I Became THE First Juran to Go to College
    Part Two,My Early Career in Quality
    8.Western Electric
    9.First Job in Quality
    10.Enter Stantistics
    11.From Experienced Engineer to Completely Inexperienced ManagerAcknowledgments
    Part One.An Immigrant's Story:1904-1924
    1.Old World Roots:Romania,Judaism,and Poverty
    2.An Immingrant's New World:Same Proboems Same Fears in Minnesota
    3.Early Years in Minnespolis
    5.Life whth Dad:Bootligging,Bums,and the Red Light Eestict
    6.The Icehouse,Snake Oil Sales,and Breaking a Strike
    7.How I Became THE First Juran to Go to College
    Part Two,My Early Career in Quality
    8.Western Electric
    9.First Job in Quality
    10.Enter Stantistics
    11.From Experienced Engineer to Completely Inexperienced Manager
    12.Winning at Catpne's Roulette Wheel
    13.Layoffs,Law,and the Great Depression
    14.Reaching the Pinnacle of Corporate Success
    15.Career Crisis,New York
    16.The Beginnigs of My Writing Career
    17.World War II,Washingtom,D.C.,and the Lend-Lease Office:Using Statistics to Wage War
    Part Three.Teaching Quality to America and the World
    18.After the War:Starting a New Career at Age 40
    20.The Gillette Razor and Other Early Consulting Rrojects:1945-1949
    22.My First Visit to Japan:Teaching Quality to a Country in Ruins
    23.The Bible of Managing for Quality:Quality Control Handbook
    24.Consulting During My Matrre Decades
    25.Japan,1960s Through 1990s
    27.The Juran Institrte
    28.The Juran Foundation
    29.Loling Back of the Creation of the Quality Mouement
    30.Immigrants and Opportunity

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