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  • Streetwise Time Management
    該商品所屬分類:管理 -> 管理
    【作者】 Marshall 
    【所屬類別】 圖書  管理  外文原版/影印版 
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    Traditional time management stresses fitting more activity into a limited amount of time primarily by "multi-tasking" and doing more with lessStreetwise Time Management focuses on doing the right things better. By streamlining your efforts, you'll find that you will actually be making time. Whether you want to write more memos, file the ones that you already have, or just find time to relax and take a breather, Streetwise Time Management is the key.
    Streetwise Time Management is chock full of time-saving and time-making tips and strategies that will not only clear up your desk or your workday, but your whole life as well. Time management isn't about To-Do lists and filing. It's about clearing up your life and reducing the stress you place upon yourself. So, if making time, becoming more efficient, and reducing stress are some of your goals, then Streetwise Time Management is the perfect resource for you!
    Marshall Cook is a professor of journalism and communications at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is the author of several titles including, Slow Down-and Get More Done.
    Part Ⅰ:A New Way of Looking at the Way You Spend Your Time
    CHAPTER 1 Can You Really Manage Time?
    CHAPTER 2 Do You Have Speed Sickness?
    CHAPTER 3 Are You Really as Busy as You Think?
    CHAPTER 4 Moment Management
    Part Ⅱ Great Ways to Get More Out of Your Days
    CHAPTER 5 Do You Run the List,or Does the List Run You?
    CHAPTER 6 Getting Started
    CHAPTER 7 Is Your Life a Constant Two-Minute Drill?
    Part Ⅲ:Putting Your Priorties in Order
    CHAPTER 8 Learn How to Get Organized
    CHAPTER 9 Is It Really Important-or Merely Urgent?
    CHAPTER 10 The 80/20 Principle Meets Streetwise Time ManagementPreface
    Part Ⅰ:A New Way of Looking at the Way You Spend Your Time
    CHAPTER 1 Can You Really Manage Time?
    CHAPTER 2 Do You Have Speed Sickness?
    CHAPTER 3 Are You Really as Busy as You Think?
    CHAPTER 4 Moment Management
    Part Ⅱ Great Ways to Get More Out of Your Days
    CHAPTER 5 Do You Run the List,or Does the List Run You?
    CHAPTER 6 Getting Started
    CHAPTER 7 Is Your Life a Constant Two-Minute Drill?
    Part Ⅲ:Putting Your Priorties in Order
    CHAPTER 8 Learn How to Get Organized
    CHAPTER 9 Is It Really Important-or Merely Urgent?
    CHAPTER 10 The 80/20 Principle Meets Streetwise Time Management
    Part Ⅳ:Working Well with Others
    CHAPTER 11 Who's Setting Your Agenda?
    CHAPTER 12 Seven Time-Management Tips for Managers
    CHAPTER 13 Does Your No Really Mean No?
    CHAPTER 14 How to Make a Decision and Stick to It
    Part Ⅴ:Aerobic Exercise for Your Mind
    CHAPTER 15 Eliminating Mistakes
    CHAPTER 16 Thinding Your Way to Smart
    CHAPTER 17 Learn How to Manage the Machines
    CHAPTER 18 Do You Know So Much You Don't Know Anything?
    CHAPTER 19 Speed Writing
    Part Ⅵ:Clutter Control
    CHAPTER 20 How to Control the Paper Flood
    CHAPTER 21 How to Cut Through the Clutter
    CHAPTER 22 Fighting Through the Fog
    CHAPTER 23 Turn Downtime into Your Most Productive Time
    CHAPTER 24 Purt Off the Urge to Put It Off
    CHAPTER 25 Perfecting Perfectionism
    CHAPTER 26 Get Rid of the Tasks You Don't Want or Need to Do
    CHAPTER 27 The Secret of Making Time
    Part Ⅶ:Sound Mind/Sound Body
    Part Ⅷ:Check Out Your Attitude

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