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  • The Voice of Authority: 10 Communication Strategies Every Le
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    【作者】 Dianna 
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    Fortune 500 consultant Dianna Booher is one of the world's foremost authorities on public speaking and business communication. She has trained and consulted for some of the top executives in leading companies-and she has heard all the grumbling between departments about “the lack of communication” today. Using 10 clear-cut strategies, she will show you exactly what to say, how to say it, when to say it, and even how to present yourself credibly-all crucial elements in business today.
    Be Complete. Be Consistent. Be Concerned. These rules-and the seven others Booher outlines in this book-sound simple enough. But these essentials of good communication mark the difference between failure and success for any business, career, or relationship. Even if your communication technology changes-from e-mail and voice mail to teleconferencing and blogging-the rules remain the same. You have to be credible as a communicator.
    The Voice of Authority is loaded with practical tips to help you
    Sell your ideas and expand your influenceFortune 500 consultant Dianna Booher is one of the world's foremost authorities on public speaking and business communication. She has trained and consulted for some of the top executives in leading companies-and she has heard all the grumbling between departments about “the lack of communication” today. Using 10 clear-cut strategies, she will show you exactly what to say, how to say it, when to say it, and even how to present yourself credibly-all crucial elements in business today.
    Be Complete. Be Consistent. Be Concerned. These rules-and the seven others Booher outlines in this book-sound simple enough. But these essentials of good communication mark the difference between failure and success for any business, career, or relationship. Even if your communication technology changes-from e-mail and voice mail to teleconferencing and blogging-the rules remain the same. You have to be credible as a communicator.
    The Voice of Authority is loaded with practical tips to help you
    Sell your ideas and expand your influence
    Inspire and motivate others to be part of a winning team
    Handle crises in a way that builds rather than destroys trust
    Identify critical characteristics that increase your credibility
    From the most routine messages to more sensitive “bad news” subjects, you'll be able to manage reactions, communicate with clout, and lead others with success.
    INTRODUCTION There Is Just No Communication around Here
    CHAPTER 1 Is It Correct?
    CHAPTER 2 Is It Complete?
    CHAPTER 3 Is It Clear?
    CHAPTER 4 Is It Purposefully Unclear?
    CHAPTER 5 Is It Consistent?
    CHAPTER 6 Are You Credible?
    CHAPTER 7 Are You Concerned and Connected?
    CHAPTER 8 Is It Current?
    CHAPTER 9 Does Your Communication Make You Look Competent?
    CHAPTER 10 Is IT Circular?
    A Final Note
    INTRODUCTION There Is Just No Communication around Here
    CHAPTER 1 Is It Correct?
    CHAPTER 2 Is It Complete?
    CHAPTER 3 Is It Clear?
    CHAPTER 4 Is It Purposefully Unclear?
    CHAPTER 5 Is It Consistent?
    CHAPTER 6 Are You Credible?
    CHAPTER 7 Are You Concerned and Connected?
    CHAPTER 8 Is It Current?
    CHAPTER 9 Does Your Communication Make You Look Competent?
    CHAPTER 10 Is IT Circular?
    A Final Note
    Resources by Dianna Booher

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