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  • China financial stability Report2006——(中國金融穩定報告20
    該商品所屬分類:管理 -> 管理
    【作者】 中國人民銀行金融穩定分析小組 編 
    【所屬類別】 圖書  管理  金融/投資  金融理論 
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    2005 was a groundbreak5ng year for China with impressive achievements in financial sector restructuring and wider opening up of financial sector,and the financial system has become more resilient to potential financial risks.China Financial Stability Report 2006 aims to reflect the latest developments in a comprehensive manner and contributes to the PBC’S effort to assess financial stability.
    China Financial Stability Report 2006 is structured as follows:Chapter Ⅰ provides an overview of financial stability in China;Chapter Ⅱ analyses the impact of macroeconomic performance on financial stability;Chapter Ⅲ to Chapter Ⅴ respectively discusses reform and development of the banking,securities and insurance industries and their impacts on financial stability;Chapter Ⅵ focuses on the development of integ rated financial services;Chapter Ⅶ discusses the relationship between financial market development and financial stability;Chapter Ⅷ explores the needs to establish deposit insurance system in China;and Chapter IX analyses operation and risk management of the payment system.The Report contains 18“boxes”that provide in-depth analysis of a number of significant issues that bear on financial stability.China Financial Publishing House contributed greatly to the Report.2005 was a groundbreak5ng year for China with impressive achievements in financial sector restructuring and wider opening up of financial sector,and the financial system has become more resilient to potential financial risks.China Financial Stability Report 2006 aims to reflect the latest developments in a comprehensive manner and contributes to the PBC’S effort to assess financial stability.
    China Financial Stability Report 2006 is structured as follows:Chapter Ⅰ provides an overview of financial stability in China;Chapter Ⅱ analyses the impact of macroeconomic performance on financial stability;Chapter Ⅲ to Chapter Ⅴ respectively discusses reform and development of the banking,securities and insurance industries and their impacts on financial stability;Chapter Ⅵ focuses on the development of integ rated financial services;Chapter Ⅶ discusses the relationship between financial market development and financial stability;Chapter Ⅷ explores the needs to establish deposit insurance system in China;and Chapter IX analyses operation and risk management of the payment system.The Report contains 18“boxes”that provide in-depth analysis of a number of significant issues that bear on financial stability.China Financial Publishing House contributed greatly to the Report.
    Our aim is to present a dynamic and comprehensive picture of financial reform,development and stability in China over 2005.Yet given the limited knowledge of the authors and inadequate experience in evaluating financial stability.the report is certainly not perfect.We welcome suggestionsfrom the relevant government bodies,academia and all sectoi's of the society to help US improve financial stability analysis and evaluation methodology in future editions.
    Chapter Ⅰ Overview
    Chapter Ⅱ Macro Economy
    Chapter Ⅲ Banking Sector
    Chapter Ⅳ Securities Sector
    Chapter Ⅴ Insurance Sector
    Chapter Ⅵ Pilot Programmes of Integrated Financial Services
    Chapter Ⅶ Financial Market
    Chapter Ⅷ Chapter VIIThe Study and Design of Establishing Deposit Insurance System in China
    Chapter Ⅸ Payment Systems
    Appendix Ⅰ A Quantitative Study of the Soundness of the Banking Sector:the Case of 16 Commercial Banks
    Appendix Ⅱ Overview of Regional Financial Stability
    Appendix Ⅲ Appendix Statistics
    1.Paying Attention to Potential Financial Risks Resulted from Real Estate Market VolatilityChapter Ⅰ Overview
    Chapter Ⅱ Macro Economy
    Chapter Ⅲ Banking Sector
    Chapter Ⅳ Securities Sector
    Chapter Ⅴ Insurance Sector
    Chapter Ⅵ Pilot Programmes of Integrated Financial Services
    Chapter Ⅶ Financial Market
    Chapter Ⅷ Chapter VIIThe Study and Design of Establishing Deposit Insurance System in China
    Chapter Ⅸ Payment Systems
    Appendix Ⅰ A Quantitative Study of the Soundness of the Banking Sector:the Case of 16 Commercial Banks
    Appendix Ⅱ Overview of Regional Financial Stability
    Appendix Ⅲ Appendix Statistics
    1.Paying Attention to Potential Financial Risks Resulted from Real Estate Market Volatility
    2.Shifting Sovereign and Banking Sector Rating for China by Intemational Rating Agencies
    3.Foreign Experience of State-owned Financial Assets Management Modes
    4.Securities Investor Protection System
    5.Restructuring of Beijing Securities
    6.Strengthen Cooperation between Mainland and Hong Kong Secufities Markets to Improve the International Competitiveness of Chinese Securities Market
    7.Case Study:Cooperation between Banks and Insurance Companies
    8.Interest Spread Loss in Life Insurance Companies
    9.The Development of the Global Reinsurance Sector
    10.Developments of Integrated Financial Services in China
    11.Risk Disposal of Delong Conglomerate and Its Implication
    12.Integrated Financial Services Modes and Regulation Systems in Major Countries
    13.Steadily Pushing Forward Credit Asset—backed Securitization
    14.International Experience in Deposit Insurance System
    15.Payment Systems Building Referred in Financial Stability Reports of Other Countries
    16.The Breakdown Analysis on ROE
    17.Analysis on the Changes in Major Items of Interest-bearing Assets and Liabilities of the 16 Commercial Banks
    18.Regional Financial Stability in China:Concept and Framework for Analysis

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